I thought I would revisit the virtual machine front to see if VirtualBox had progressed any since my last look (VMware vs. VirtualBox Jan '08). My test system was an ASUS P6T Deluxe V2, Intel i7 940, 12GB DDR3, Raptor 300GB drives, and Vista x64 SP1. VMware version 6.5.1 build-126130 and VirtualBox 2.1.4 were both installed on my C: drive and their respective images and virtual files located on D:. I usually don't give much merit to synthetic benchmarks, but I thought I would start with that to see if there were any significant changes from my previous test. I installed SiSoftware's Sandra onto a clean host install of WinXP SP3 to both virtual systems. I ran Sandra's performance index benchmark several times. Although the numbers differed slightly each time, the results were pretty much uniform. The big change from my previous test was the disk speed. VirtualBox has made huge improvements in disk performance since the 1.5...
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