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مقالة عن الفرق بين nfts&fat32

NTFS vs. FAT32 It's often asked; FAT32 or NTFS?  Windows XP pushes you towards NTFS due to artificial limitations of its setup tools, and NT advocates nearly always say "use NTFS it's more secure".  But you may want to think a bit further than that glib knee-jerk advice. Executive summary NTFS is a better file system, but the available maintenance tools and options suck. Either choice, you will win some and lose some. Detail FATxx is an old file system that is simple, well-documented, readable from a large number of OSs, and supported by a wide range of tools. NTFS is a newer file system that is feature-rich, proprietary, undocumented at the raw bytes level, and subject to change - even within Service Packs of the same OS version.  Keeping NTFS proprietary allows Microsoft to root NT's security features deep within the file system itself, but it does cast doubts about the reliability and version-compatibility of third-party support.  Without an