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كيفية علاج مشكلة بطئ فتح جهاز الكمبيوتر فى ويندوز xp

الان نقدم افضل طريقة ممكنة لجعل ويندوز xp المنتهية الصالحية حديثا ان تكون اسرع فى البدء واسرع فى الاغلاق واسرع فى العمليات والاستجابة للاوامر
وفى تدوينة قادمة سنقوم بشرح كيفية جعل ويندوز xp تعود الى الحياة مرة اخرى عن طريق التحديثات الامنية والمشكلات التى ستواجهنا


  1. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 1 Version 3.jpg
    Click on Start, then Run, and type "msconfig". Wait for a new window to pop up.
  2. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 2 Version 3.jpg
    Look under the "BOOT.INI" tab. You will see a box labeled "Timeout:", and a numerical value. By default, it's 30, which means 30 seconds of wait time before boot. This can be changed, make it 4 seconds. (Note: if you have more than one operating system, this means the wait time to startup to the highlighted Operating System is longer. Sometimes you might want a bit more than 4 seconds, then you can opt 5 or 10 seconds)
  3. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 3 Version 3.jpg
    Delete The Temporary Files Periodically From Your Computer To Make The Applications Run Faster. Type %temp% in the run dialog box by clicking on Start -> Run, and click on "OK". You will see an open folder with many files. Click on the Edit menu and click on Select all and then click on the File menu and select Delete. Note: Always confirm that the folder which is opened has the word "temp" on the top of the menu bar and the folder indicates that it is a temporary folder.
  4. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 4 Version 3.jpg
    Perform a Scandisk To See That Your Computer Hard Drive is in Healthy Condition and it helps Your Computer Run Faster
  5. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 5 Version 3.jpg
    Always Perform a Disk Defragmentation at least once a month. Start the disk defragmentation from the System Tools menu available in the Accessories menu from the Start menu. It takes a longer time and it is advised not to run any applications in the computer including the screen savers, while running disk defragmentation.

Method 1 of 2: Hibernation

  1. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 6 Version 3.jpg
    After doing all this, another method you can do is to allow the computer to hibernate. Hibernation closes and opens Windows faster than usual. However, Hibernation is a good long-term recommended solution, as it does save electricity.
  2. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 7 Version 3.jpg
    Go to Start->Control Panel->Power Options. Click on the Hibernate tab.
  3. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 8 Version 3.jpg
    Click on the box that says "Enable hibernation" to check it.
  4. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 9 Version 3.jpg
    Click on the Advanced tab and change the Power buttons options if you want to hibernate by pressing the sleep button or the power button. Otherwise, holding the Shift key while in the Turn Off Computer menu will give you the option to hibernate.
  5. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 10 Version 3.jpg
    Restart your computer every week or so to clean your computer.
  6. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 11 Version 2.jpg
    The power can then be completely turned off, even at the socket so that no power is wasted.

Method 2 of 2: Prefetch

  1. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 12 Version 3.jpg
    Simply browse to the Windows folder (Ex: C:\Windows) and under there you would see the prefetch folder. Go into the prefetch folder and delete all the files (Beware! It should look like this c:\windows\prefetch). We need to edit a registry key to tweak it. Open regedit and browse to this key:
  2. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 13 Version 3.jpg
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters
  3. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 14 Version 3.jpg
    Under this key you should see a value named: EnablePrefetcher
  4. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 15 Version 3.jpg
    It has 4 possible values:
  5. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 16 Version 3.jpg
    - Disabled : The prefetch system is turned off.
  6. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 17 Version 3.jpg
    - Application : The prefetch only caches applications.
  7. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 18 Version 3.jpg
    - Boot : The prefetch only caches system boot files.
  8. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 19 Version 3.jpg
    - All : The prefetch caches boot, and application files.
  9. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 20 Version 3.jpg
    You need to not disable it entirely. This would actually make boot time longer. This is because this feature is also used to speed up the loading of boot files. That is why you should pick the number 2 option. It allows you to keep the advantage of caching system files, without continually clogging the system up with applications.
  10. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 21 Version 3.jpg
    Set the value to 2 and reboot.
  11. Make Windows XP Startup Faster Step 22 Version 3.jpg
    The 2nd time you boot it should boot much faster. Remember that, the side effect is that launching individual applications once Windows has loaded will now be slightly slower. 
  12. منقول من موقع Wiki How


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